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Tampilkan postingan dengan label Malaysia Healthcare. Tampilkan semua postingan

Malaysia as the Hepatitis C Treatment Hub of Asia

Malaysia as the Hepatitis C Treatment Hub of Asia
Malaysia as the Hepatitis C Treatment Hub of Asia - insigHT2021, a three-day international conference exemplifies post pandemic recovery strategies to forge resilience for the global healthcare travel industry

On Tuesday 16 November 2021, I was invited by the Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council (MHTC) to attend the "YB Khairy Jamaluddin To Launch Malaysia as the Destination for Hepatitis C Treatment" event.

The event was held in Malaysia, with a favorable hybrid manner, which could be attended both on-site and on-line. Of course I was present on-line.

As a media participant for the launch event, I obtained the event's full access on the 1st day of the insigHT2021 conference. A grateful yet convenient facilities to get a better picture about this event.

Well, here's the event coverage I attended:
Kuala Lumpur, 16 November 2021

insigHT2021, the region’s leading medical travel market intelligence conference, featured the launch of Malaysia as the Hepatitis C Treatment Hub of Asia by Minister of Health Malaysia, Yang Berhormat Khairy Jamaluddin. Being the first country in the world to be given conditional approval for Ravidasvir in combination with Sofosbuvir to treat Hepatitis C, Malaysia is poised to offer access to an affordable and efficacious treatment solution for those infected with the virus.

“In response to the World Hepatitis Day 2021 theme, “Hepatitis Can’t Wait”, Malaysia is ready and raring to move forward with a treatment solution for those infected with the disease. This is in line with WHO’s mission to reduce new viral hepatitis infections by 90% and reduce deaths by viral hepatitis by 65% by 2030. Malaysia is offering Hepatitis C patients a treatment with a cure rate of 97% and cost reduction of 95%,” said YB Khairy Jamaluddin, Minister of Health Malaysia at the insigHT2021 opening ceremony.
YB Khairy Jamaluddin, Minister of Health Malaysia at the insigHT2021 opening ceremony

Commenting on this new treatment offering, Pharmaniaga Berhad Group Managing Director Datuk Zulkarnain Md Eusope added, "Through our expertise in supply, logistics and distribution of Hepatitis-C Drug to MHTC's Member Hospitals, we are proud to contribute to the shared goal of both Malaysia and World Health Organization to eliminate Hepatitis-C by 2030. In creating access to treatment for local and international patients in need, we partner in the vision of Forging Resilience, further propelling the medical travel industry forward.”
Datuk Zulkarnain Md Eusope, Group Managing Director, Pharmaniaga Group

insigHT2021 is hosted virtually from 16 to 18 November and is anchored by Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council (MHTC), an agency under the Ministry of Health tasked to facilitate and promote the healthcare travel industry in Malaysia. Carrying the theme ‘Forging Resilience’, the conference features insights on post-pandemic recovery strategies and opportunities for industry resilience with topics such as reimaging the health system, the future of healthcare and well-being, and rebuilding hospitality delivered by renowned local and international industry experts.

“insigHT has played a significant role as a platform for creating tangible and valuable outcomes, which benefit industry players and healthcare travelers. Having endured the brunt of the pandemic, it is even more important now to optimize platforms such as these in revitalizing our industry”, said Chief Executive Officer of MHTC, Mohd Daud Mohd Arif.
Mohd Daud Mohd Arif, Chief Executive Officer, Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council (MHTC) 01

In its sixth installation, insigHT2021 also serves as a catalyst for cross collaboration, attracting industry players across various sectors of the value chain to enhance Malaysia’s healthcare travel industry. TMOne, the digital partner for insigHT2021 has played an instrumental role in driving digitalization of key touchpoints along the healthcare travel journey.

“Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) through TM ONE, is excited to be the Digital Partner for insigHT by MHTC for the third consecutive year. This is in line with our commitment to empower Malaysia's healthcare industry players with end-to-end digital solutions that will enable them to move forward amidst global challenges. Digital services such as the accelerated adoption of telemedicine, smart health and digital infrastructure are essential to sustain and grow the medical travel industry,” said Imri Mokhtar, Group Chief Executive Officer, TM.

“We are ready to support and facilitate this, as it is in line with our move of becoming a human-centered technology company, making people’s lives better through innovative digital solutions, and befitting of our unique role as the enabler of Digital Malaysia,” he added.
Imri Mokhtar, Group Chief Executive Officer, Telekom Malaysia (TM) Berhad

insigHT2021 attracts a global crowd of participants from Asia and Europe and features a line-up of speakers, comprising of global thought leaders and experts in the field of medical travel. Among those includes: 
  • YBhg. Tan Sri Dato' Seri Dr. Noor Hisham Abdullah (Director General, Ministry of Health Malaysia)
  • Ir. Rizki Handayani, MBTM (Deputy Minister for Tourism Product and Events, Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Republic of Indonesia)
  • Datuk Musa Hj. Yusof (Deputy Director General (Promotion), Tourism Malaysia)
  • Aireen Omar (President – AirAsia Digital, AirAsia Group)
  • Nongyao Jirundorn (Tourism Authority of Thailand)
  • Michel Julian (UNWTO Spain)
  • Arnaud Bauer (L.E.K. Consulting) and many more renowned speakers
YB Mohd Shahar Abdullah, Deputy Finance Minister I, Ministry of Finance, Malaysia (2)

YBhg. Tan Sri Dato' Seri Dr. Noor Hisham Abdullah, Director General, Ministry of Health Malaysia

insigHT2021 is supported by TM One (Digital Partner), Tourism Malaysia, Tourism Selangor, IMM Carehub, and Magicopper.

For more information and to register for insigHT2021, visit www.mhtc.org.my/insigHT2021.


The Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council (MHTC) is a government agency that has been entrusted with the responsibility of curating the country’s healthcare travel scene. Founded in 2009, MHTC works to streamline industry players and service providers in facilitating and growing Malaysia’s healthcare travel industry under the brand “Malaysia Healthcare” with the intended goal of making Malaysia the leading global healthcare destination.

Start Planning Your Healthcare Journey with Malaysia Healthcare

To find out more information, visit: www.malaysiahealthcare.org or contact the MHTC Call Centre at 1-800-188-688 (within Malaysia) or +603 272 68 688 (outside Malaysia), which operates from Mondays to Fridays from 9.00am to 6.00pm (GMT +8).

Experience a seamless end-to-end patient journey beginning at Malaysia Healthcare Concierge and Lounge(s) located at:
  • Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA): Arrival Hall, Gate 8 (+ 603 8776 6168)
  • Kuala Lumpur International Airport 2 (klia2): Departure Area, Level 3 (+603 8778 5566)
  • Penang International Airport (PIA): Level 1, Arrival Concourse (+ 604 643 1626)

Malaysia Healthcare Social Media

  • Facebook – facebook.com/malaysiahealthcare.org 
  • Instagram – instagram.com/malaysiahealthcare

Malaysia Healthcare’s Recent Awards & Recognition:

International Medical Travel Journal – Medical Travel Awards (2015-2020)
  • Health and Medical Tourism: Destination of the Year – Malaysia (2015 – 2017, 2020) 
  • Highly Commended - Health and Medical Tourism: Destination of the Year – Malaysia (2018 and 2019) 
  • Health and Medical Tourism: Cluster of the Year – Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council (2016-2020)

International Living (Global Retirement Index 2015 - 2019)
  • Malaysia - “Best Country in the World for Healthcare”

Asia Pacific Healthcare & Medical Tourism Awards (2017 – 2021) 

MasterCard-Crescent Rating Global Muslim Travel Index (2011 – 2021)
  • Top Country for Muslim Travel

World’s Best Hospitals for Medical Tourists by the Medical Travel Quality Alliance (2013, 2014, 2017-2019)

For more information and details on awards listing, visit: www.malaysiahealthcare.org

Berobat Sekaligus Berwisata di Malaysia Bersama MHTC

Berobat Sekaligus Berwisata di Malaysia

Medical Trip and Safe Holiday

Malaysia is a country with many reasons to visit, which are some features of a tourism destination. And Malaysia is also the leading health tourism destination in the world.

The patient from abroad mostly visits Malaysia with two goals at once, treatment or health checks and tourist travel.

Since a few years ago, Malaysia has become the preferred destination for treatment in several countries, including Indonesia.

The main factor that makes Malaysia stand out as a world-class healthcare place is its affordable treatment cost and friendly service.

Malaysia is a world-class health travel destination because it has a superior program in the health sector, namely the Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council (MHTC)

MHTC is an information center and facilitator for patients who want treatment and need information on treatment in Malaysia.

Patients from Indonesia who get treated in Malaysia will get friendly services at a very affordable budget.

Even though it is cheap, Malaysia still provides excellent and high-quality health services.

Having a multilingual population helps break through the language barrier, as people in Malaysia can speak Malay, Chinese, Indian, Arabic, English and more. Foreign patients don't need to worry about language barriers when seeking treatment in Malaysia, especially patients from Indonesia. Some quite many doctors can speak Indonesian. Even if the doctor doesn't speak Indonesian, patients can get it from an interpreter for free.

MHTC will accompany you thoroughly started from your plan to go to Malaysia until arriving at the Malaysian airport and being escorted to the hospital.

Assistance starts from preparing a treatment plan, providing various information before leaving, including details on the budget. So, patients don't have to bother taking care of various things when they arrive in Malaysia. You only focus on your treatment!

To take a vacation after doing the treatment, the MHTC can help choose a hospital where is close to the tourist destination that prospective patients want to go to. For example, prospective patients who want to vacation in Melaka can be directed to seek treatment at hospitals around Melaka.

Visit the MHTC website for tips on getting treatment while travelling in Malaysia

Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council (MHTC)

Website: https://www.mhtc.org.my/

Instagram: @malaysiahealthcare

Wisata Medis dan Liburan Sehat

Malaysia, bagi saya adalah negara dengan beragam destinasi wisata menarik. 

Malaysia juga merupakan destinasi wisata kesehatan yang unggul di dunia. 

Seringkali pasien asing berkunjung ke Malaysia dengan dua tujuan sekaligus, yaitu berobat atau memeriksakan kesehatan dan berwisata.

Sejak beberapa tahun yang lalu, Malaysia telah menjadi pilihan destinasi berobat beberapa negara, termasuk Indonesia.

Faktor utama yang menjadikan Malaysia unggul sebagai tempat perawatan kesehatan kelas dunia adalah biaya perawatan yang terjangkau dan layanan yang ramah.

Memiliki populasi multi-bahasa membantu menembus hambatan bahasa, karena orang-orang di Malaysia dapat berbicara bahasa Melayu, Cina, India, Arab, dan lainnya.

Pasien asing juga tak perlu merasa khawatir dengan kendala bahasa ketika berobat di Malaysia, terutama pasien dari Indonesia. Ada cukup banyak dokter yang bisa berbicara dengan bahasa Indonesia. Sekalipun dokter tak bisa berbahasa Indonesia, pasien bisa mendapatkan dari interpreter secara gratis.

Malaysia menjadi destinasi perjalanan wisata kesehatan kelas dunia karena memiliki program unggulan di bidang kesehatan, yaitu Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council (MHTC).

MHTC merupakan pusat informasi dan fasilitator bagi pasien yang ingin berobat dan membutuhkan informasi berobat di Malaysia.

Pasien dari Indonesia yang berobat di Malaysia bisa mendapatkan layanan dengan biaya yang sangat terjangkau. Meskipun murah Malaysia tetap memberikan layanan kesehatan yang prima dan berkualitas tinggi.

MHTC akan mendampingi secara menyeluruh sejak sebelum berangkat ke Malaysia, hingga tiba di bandara Malaysia, dan diantar sampai ke rumah sakit. 

Pendampingan mulai dari menyusun rencana berobat, memberikan beragam informasi sebelum berangkat, termasuk mengenai rincian biaya. Jadi, pasien tak perlu repot mengurus berbagai hal ketika tiba di Malaysia. Tinggal fokus saja pada pengobatan.

Untuk keperluan berlibur setelah melakukan perawatan, pihak MHTC bisa membantu memilihkan rumah sakit yang dekat dengan destinasi wisata yang hendak dituju calon pasien. Sebagai contoh, calon pasien yang ingin berlibur ke Melaka bisa diarahkan untuk berobat ke rumah sakit yang ada di sekitar Melaka.

Kunjungi Website MHTC untuk tips berobat sambil berwisata di Malaysia.

Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council (MHTC)

Website: https://www.mhtc.org.my/

Instagram: @malaysiahealthcare

Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA [Katerina 2019]